We have a constitutional right to demonstrate 根据宪法,我们有权进行游行示威。
Citizens of Fiji have the constitutional right to communicate with any government agency in any of the official languages, with an interpreter to be supplied on request. 宪法给予斐济居民权力通过口译员以任何官方语言与任何政府部门进行沟通。
Attorney Alan Gura says the high court's historic ruling makes it clear that individuals do have a constitutional right to keep and bear arms. 律师埃伦.古拉说,美国最高法院的历史性裁决明确表示,个人的确有宪法权利保存并携带枪支。
But getting the two-thirds majority in the Senate needed for ratification will be a struggle, even though the American Bar Association has confirmed the treaty does not infringe any constitutional right to bear arms ( as the NRA claims). 但在参议院要想获得大多数的认可将是一场斗争,尽管美国律师协会(依据NRA的主张)已经证实了该条约不违反宪法中的枪支保有制。
The critics often cite, as an example of this, the Supreme Court's decision in Roe v.Wade, the1973 decision that established a constitutional right for women to obtain abortions. 这些批评家常常引用最高法院对“罗诉韦德”(Roev.Wade)案的裁决作为例子。最高法院在1973年作出的这项裁决确立妇女有宪法保护的堕胎权利。
Privatisation remains a thorny issue in a country where private property became a constitutional right only in2004 and where the right to own productive assets remains unclear. 私有制改革在一个私有财产刚刚被确立为宪法权利,获得生产性资产的权利仍然不十分清晰的国家,依然是一个棘手的问题。
Because it is my constitutional right to do so. 那是宪法赋予了我那样的权力。
You have a constitutional right to apply for a weapon. 你有宪法权申请拥有一把枪。
It's my constitutional right fool! 这是宪法给我的权力!
So Clarence Earl Gideon did, indeed, have a constitutional right to a lawyer – if he had been tried in federal court. 因此,克拉伦斯•厄尔•吉迪恩确实有获得律师帮助的宪法权利&但前提是,他是在联邦法庭受审。
Marriage is a fundamental Constitutional right, and in addition gays and lesbians deserve special protection from discrimination, they say. 他们称,婚姻是宪法赋予人们的最基本权利,而且男女同性恋应该得到特殊的反歧视保护。
I have a constitutional right to bear arms. 宪法上我可是有露出臂膀的权力的。
The exercise of administrative counterpart's right of resistance that is the extension of constitutional right of citizens, has particularity itself. 行政相对人的抵抗权作为公民宪法权利的延伸,其行使具有自身的特殊性。
The court found that the right to choose abortion was protected by this constitutional right to privacy. 最高法院发现选择堕胎的权利是作为宪法上的隐私权来保护的。
Research on Social Guarantee System for Farmers Who were Levied Lands on from the Perspective of Constitutional Right 宪法权利视角下的被征地农民社会保障制度研究
The priceless heritage of our society is the unrestricted constitutional right of each member to think as he will. 每个人都可以按自己的意愿思考而不受限制的宪法权利是我们社会的珍贵遗产。
Mexico, which last year made data privacy a constitutional right, is also pushing through a new federal data-privacy law. 墨西哥,去年将数据隐私规定为宪法赋予的权利,也正制定一项新的联邦数据隐私法。
It is a practical approach to nail down the legal status of the constitutional right to appeal, and confirmed that citizens have constitutional right to appeal. 解决此问题的着力点应当是:在制度上明确诉权的宪法法律地位,并且确认公民享有宪法诉权。
They also say he waived his constitutional right to remain silent. 他们还说,沙阿扎德已经放弃了宪法赋予的保持沉默的权利。
The constitutional right to jury trials in criminal cases is beyond the scope of the present discussion. 宪法上规定的在刑事诉讼中陪审团审理的权利已超出了目前讨论的范围。
And every man has a constitutional right to be a fool. 每个人都有做傻瓜的权利。
Constitutional procedure has the key effect in putting the Constitution into effection and in realizing people's constitutional right. 宪法程序对于宪法的实施及人民宪法权利的实现具有关键作用。
In determining the constitutional right to a jury trial one must be careful to distinguish between the federal constitution and state constitutions and between civil cases and criminal cases. 在确定宪法中规定的陪审团审理的权利的过程中,任何一个人都必须把联邦宪法和州宪法、民事诉讼和刑事诉讼认真地加以区别。
B contrary to constitutional right, power, privilege, or immunity; 2与宪法规定的权利、权力、特许权或豁免权相抵触;
Second reason, this is my constitutional right. 第二个理由,这是我的宪法权利。
Previously, restrictions on the right to choose, as with any other constitutional right, must be subject to "strict scrutiny". 以前,对选择权以及其他宪法权利的限制必须要受到严格审查。
State lawyers said that their system guarantees that defendants are held responsible for crimes, if they are not insane, and argues that the Supreme Court should not use this case to declare for the first time a constitutional right to an insanity defense. 州律师说,他们的法律系统保证被告在没有患精神病时须对犯罪行为负责,而且声称最高法院不该用这个案件破天荒地来支持精神错乱抗辩权。
The current policy of the government recognizes the right of self-government of the aboriginal people as a constitutional right and sets up several principles and a framework to enforce it. 加拿大政府现行的政策承认自治权是土著民族的基本权利,并设定了土著民族实现自治的原则和框架。
Patients have no constitutional right to commit suicide. 病人没有宪法赋予的自杀权利。